Can Reaching Your Goals Be This Simple?

March 7, 2015

believe in myself

I share often on this space about formulas to rapidly manifest your goals and doing what it takes to make it happen. I believe strongly in these formulas. I have written books about them and use them regularly in my own life.

There are times when I start over-complicating things. You may do the same. Instead of sticking with the basics, you think you need to get fancy and go over the edge to make things happen. You then get frustrated when you remain stuck, even with this extra effort.

I was reminded today of the importance of keeping things as simple as possible. I was reading part of a book called “Three Magic Words”. It was actually two magic words that stood out…thought and faith. I share often how powerful your thoughts are and how you can shape your life by controlling them. Yet as much as I know about the topic, I still sometimes get into the habit of making things much more complicated than they should be.

It is amazing how, by keeping your thoughts positive, you invite positive situations into your outer world. Combine these positive thoughts with the faith that you can achieve it, and you have a combination like no other. You don’t have to look beyond this or do anything crazy. As often as you can, check-in with what you are thinking. Are you focusing on what you desire? Are you feeling as though you already have it? Do you know without a doubt that you are worthy of receiving it?

The key is to focus squarely on what you want. Keep it locked in your imagination and don’t give any thought to what is or could be holding you back. Know that if God is for you no one can be against you and that all things are possible to him or her who believes.

You may be asking, aren’t I supposed to take some kind of action as well? I can’t just wish my way towards my dreams. You are correct. However, it’s amazing how when you focus on the feeling of already living your dream and demonstrating the faith of its inevitable realization, the motivation to act and knowledge of what to do is engrained. It happens almost automatically. It doesn’t seem like drudgery or hard work.

I recommend keeping this as simple as possible today. Focus on the basics of positive thought and faith. It’s amazing how far just these concepts can take you. There are things you can do like affirmations and visualization to speed up the process, but just by focusing on these two things…positive thought and faith…you can quickly move yourself to the life you desire. I am full confident of this fact. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

The Biggest Mistake Goal-Setters Make

January 5, 2015

At the time I am writing this article, we are still only days into a new year. Optimism reigns as people make New Years resolutions and set new goals for the coming year, hoping to make positive changes in their lives.

Goals pic

This may be something you do on a regular basis, or perhaps it’s your first attempt at major goal-setting. Perhaps you are reading this in the middle of the year as you set some type of goal. Regardless, I believe the information presented here can help you as it has me.

There is a major problem in setting goals. I’ve been guilty of it, and many other people haven’t reached their goals because of it. It stems from the last line in paragraph 1. The problem is hoping to make changes. How often have you done it? You set a goal, and instead of pursuing it with confidence, you hope and wonder if it’s something that will ever be realized, and end up procrastinating and avoiding the action you need to get there.

At this point, you may ask how do you get around the doubts and take focused action instead of simply hoping to accomplish the goal? One of the best bits of advice I’ve ever heard is one I picked up from listening to an Anthony Robbins audio. His advice was to simply make the goal a must. In other words, no maybes. No hoping. You need to have an attitude that you will do whatever it takes to make this goal happen, along with the faith of knowing that it can and will happen.

In her book “You Are a Badass”, Jen Sincero provides similar advice. She says to place your full focus on the goal, decide with unwavering faith that it will happen, and do all you know how to do, regardless of how much or how little it is.

If you are not one for advice from modern authors, how about one from the Bible? The apostle James says that when you ask God for wisdom (or anything else) you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

I don’t know about you, but I want positive responses from my Lord. I want the benefits of His power, not His rejection because I don’t have the faith that my goal can be accomplished. How do you receive that Godly backing and a rapid manifestation of your desire? Follow the advice of these authors. Go all in. Don’t think for a second that there’s a way out. Make it a must, a no way around it, a definite accomplishment that WILL happen, not one that might happen.

I know from personal experience that when I approach goals like this, they become my reality. The key is to have this mentality for all of your goals, no matter how big or small they are. As you set your expectations (I prefer this term over resolutions) be sure to avoid the mistake of placing maybes over them. Instead, develop the mindset that there is no option of these goals failing to materialize. Be single-minded, full of faith, and willing to act to make it come true. That combination can only make it happen. Please share your success stories when they do. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

I also remind you of another way you can jumpstart your desired success in reaching your goals. This free resource contains the formula that has helped me and countless others rapidly manifest their goals. Click here for your free copy…

The Ease and Keys of Rapid Manifestation

2015 New Years Expectations

January 2, 2015

2015 pic

Once again it’s time for my annual post to look ahead to the coming (now arrived) year. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I refuse to call these goals New Years resolutions. Expectation has the thought that it is going to get done, not the “maybe” shadow of a resolution. Here’s what’s on my mind and what I would like to accomplish in the coming year. If you share of any of these goals, I hope some of my thoughts and ideas of can help you and we can reach these goals together:

  • All action, no talk – Unfortunately, I still have much of a reputation for being the opposite. I don’t know if it’s lingering fear, the Pisces in me, or a still lacking confidence, but up ’til now I’ve still had the strong capacity to talk a big game but procrastinate in acting towards it. This year it’s time to maintain an action based focus. It’s about being a doer of the Word, and not only starting the action, but seeing it through to completion.
  • Focus on vibration and high emotion – I share often about the importance of maintaining a high vibration. When we remain high on the emotional scale, we open ourselves up for unlimited blessings. As well as I am aware of this, there are still too many times where I leave my emotions on automatic pilot and let much time go by without catching myself on the lower vibrational plane. I make the expectation to check in at least hourly, and bring myself to the highest vibrational level as often as possible. Another way to make this happen is to live in the present moment. Without the guilt of the past or the worries of the future, it is much easier to maintain a positive focus and the highest emotions.
  • Be more “others” focused – I truly love people. I am blessed with the most wonderful family and core of friends, and I also love meeting and bringing light to people from all over the world. The reason I have this blog in the first place is to share the abundant wisdom I have learned to help you and everyone reading this to live a more joyful and abundant life. Upon saying that, I will share that I still consider myself to be a selfish person. I say this because my focus is still too much of what’s in it for me. On one hand, it is important to maintain a self focus (see bullet #2). However, the what’s in it for me part will be taken care of automatically as long my focus is instead on how can I help others get what they want. What action can I take now to bring value into as many lives as possible?
  • 1000 daily blog visitors – Now I move on to the concrete goals. This one has been a goal for some time now and it is ambitious since I am nowhere close at this point. To go hand in hand with the other goals, taking consistent action, remaining in a high vibrational state, living with an “as if” mentality, and keeping the focus on building up others, I certainly expect that it will happen.
  • Stabilize my job situation – Ok, I may have to be careful who’s watching with this one 🙂 For the past year I have been working two jobs, both which exhaust me with many negative people and situations. I realize I am blessed to have them, as some people are desperately looking for any job, and they have contributed to a major improvement in my finances. At the same time, it’s time to do work that I will enjoy, contribute to many people in the world, permit me more freedom and time with family and friends, and provide the income to bless my family for necessities (my oldest daughter starts college in the Fall), and leisure. I expect to have that type of work this year.

I thank you for staying with me in this journey inside the mind of this author. Once again, I will say that if you share any of these goals, I invite you to contribute ideas about how you plan on achieving your expectations. Even if your exact goals are different, I would love to share this journey of taking life to the highest level possible with as many people as I can. Together we can make a difference and enjoy a very blessed and prosperous 2015. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

What Does Lake Effect Snow Have To Do With Your Goal?

November 22, 2014

I live in the Buffalo NY area. We are still recovering from a 6-7 foot snowfall that has crippled the city. You can see my previous post for more on the Snovember snowstorm.

How did we receive so much snow? It’s a weather phenomenon called Lake Effect. It’s why Buffalo receives so much snow every winter. Cold air moves over the still relatively warm Great Lakes, and it produces the moisture that produces these snowstorms. What’s very interesting about this is that these storms are only focused over a certain area, depending on the wind direction. It’s why in my area we received 6 feet of snow, and areas just 5 miles north of here received just a few inches. The reason we received so much snow this time is that the wind direction remained in the same fixed area for hours at a time.

So what does this have to do with reaching your goal? The best way to reach your goal is to keep your mind narrowly focused on it. The more focused you are on the solution or the successful completion of your goal, the faster you are likely to realize it. The key is to avoid distractions and doubts and keep completely focused on what you want. If this snowstorm had allowed other wind or weather conditions to interfere, it would not have remained fixed on the same area. The same is true for your dreams and goals. If you can avoid allowing distractions to keep you off course, you can achieve these desires more quickly.

I ask you to forgive me for still having snow on my mind. It just so happens I was reminded several times in these past few days of how important it is to keep completely focused on the success I crave. I continued to see the radar pictures of these snow bands narrowly focused on the areas that got slammed. It then just popped in my mind to put the two together.

What is your biggest goal today? I share the advice I received. Know it, focus on it, see it’s successful achievement in your imagination as much as possible. Then take any necessary steps you need to take to make it happen. The more focused you are, the more successful you will be. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

Enjoy the Journey

July 18, 2014

I have always enjoyed long road trips. As a child and teenager my family took several road trips from Long Island to Florida to visit my grandparents. I enjoyed these trips so much that it was always a dream of mine to travel completely across the country from New York to California.

That dream of mind was eventually realized. I am reminded of it now because it is almost 10 years to the day that we began that wonderful trip. The destination of that trip was San Diego, and visiting my brother in law and his family. However, there are so many memories of what occurred on the way there. We drove through big cities, farms, plains, mountains, and desserts. We visited museums, friends houses, historic landmarks, and natural beauty. We experienced 80 degrees and humidity, along with 110 degrees and arid conditions. We had a great time with family. However, even though it did seem long and tiring at some points, the heart and soul of this trip was the joy of the journey to get there.

I share this story as an application to life in general, to a concept I was reminded of recently. It is important to set goals in life and to live with that destination in mind. Yet I am learning more each day that what is even more important is the journey to arrive there. Before you arrive at your destination, there is so much to see, experience, and learn. There is beauty to take in. There are valuable lessons to be learned in the obstacles that arrive. There is character to be gained. There are smaller, unexpected blessings and miracles to be thankful for. The list can go on.

What is your present goal? Fix your eyes and mind on it and work from the end of it. However, I encourage you to also experience the journey. Avoid considering it work or a burden. Yes, just as our 2500 mile drive become drawn out and tedious at times, you may feel that way on your journey. However, be sure to see the sights, and take in every new experience of the journey towards you destination. Cherish it, and let that be just as much of a positive memory as reaching the goal. In fact, you can take those memories and lessons learned and use them to reach your next goals as well.

I understand that it is sometimes very easy to keep our eyes so focused on the goal that we don’t pay attention to the journey. It has happened to me many times. These days I am more willing and able to pay attention to the small beauties of the daily journey of life. When you do that, life is more enjoyable and rewarding, and in many cases your goals manifest rapidly, and you arrive at the destination even sooner than you would have thought. I wish this for you today. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

World Cup Lessons

July 11, 2014

Like many people around the world, I have very much enjoyed this World Cup soccer tournament. It has been very exciting and fun to watch. So much, that it has made fans of my other family members who never appreciated soccer as much as I do.

It’s interesting that my family is noticing some things that I’ve always been aware of in this game. I will use the greatest example for my theme today. Players face adversity in each game. The get tackled, bumped, bruised, and knocked to the ground. Here’s the interesting thing. Some players get barely bumped and go down to the ground writhing in pain as if they’ve been shot. Others get sent tumbling to the ground, but then get up immediately and get right back into the action of the game.

Which player would you rather be? You will get knocked down and tackled at times in life. I believe that when that happens, instead of dwelling on the pain and staying on the ground, it is best to get yourself up as soon as possible and get right back into the action of the game. You will gain the respect of those around you and will reach your goal quicker. In addition, you will have more fun getting there.

The key to achieving your goals is persistence and not giving up, even when you are knocked to the ground. That’s what champions are made of. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

I Am Already….

July 8, 2014

We all want to accomplish goals and rapidly manifest our desires, true? I have a long list of these, as well as a list of qualities and characteristics I want to become as a person. If only I could be that person now.

Please allow me to share a fact that was drilled into my head three times in a 12 hour period yesterday from three different sources (that’s when I know for sure God is speaking loudly to me)…I AM ALREADY THAT PERSON.

I will share the same news with you…YOU ARE ALREADY THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE. I will add that you already have everything you want to have. Now, I can already hear some of the responses. Really? I don’t see it. I don’t feel it. You must be crazy.

If I were you I might think that too. Until recently anyway. I am learning more and more that we are and we have everything because the spirit of God is within us. And since God is everything good, we are a part of that. What we have or don’t have in our lives is simply the measure of how much we believe this concept.

All three people I read and listened to yesterday had this same message that I take from Neville Goddard and his book “The Power of Awareness” “All is yours. Do not go seeking for that which you are. Appropriate it, claim it, assume it. Everything depends upon your concept of yourself. That which you do not claim as true of yourself cannot be realized by you”.

The message I’m receiving loud and clear is that, instead of striving to become what I want to be and accomplish what I want to accomplish, it is more important to be thankful and cherish the fact that I already am that which I want to be and have. Another quote from the same chapter of the book above says… “Be still and know that you are that which you desire to be, and you will never have to search for it”. The more you can focus on the fact that, due to God’s spirit and presence in you, all you desire to be and have is already a part of you. The more you focus on this fact, the more it becomes reality.

Please understand I am not advising that we give up acting towards our goals. The last thing we can do is think, believe, then sit back and watch things happen. When we focus on the fact that we already are and already have, it seems that ideas for action come much more readily. Then it’s just a matter of acting on those ideas. Also, instead of taking desperate action in hopes that we maybe get what we strive for, we are taking confident steps knowing that the action we are taking is only enhancing the greatness that we already are.

This is not a new concept for me. However, it is a different take that seems to simplify it and make it more real for me, especially since I know for a fact God shot this directly in my direction. This may or may not be a new concept for you. Either way, I ask you to consider it. Reflect on the fact that God loves you beyond measure, and is part of your very being. As a result, He shares His knowledge, power, and all positive attributes with you. Go through your day with the assurance that you already are and already have what you are seeking. Say I am already…and fill in the blank with what you desire. Feel the joy of knowing this, share it with others, and do what you can do to maximize this love, power, and light in your life, spending as much time being thankful for all that you are and for what God has given you. You will see immediate blessings as a result. Enjoy 🙂

Whose Desire Is It Anyway?

June 23, 2014

We all have desires and goals that we want to see realized. We do what we know how to do to make it happen, and we pray hoping that our prayer will be answered, wondering if we will see our dream come true.

I am realizing more each day that the last part is a mistake. No, not praying. That’s the best way to realize your wish. It’s the other part, hoping and wondering that it will be answered.

I realize we need to follow God’s will and not our own. I also realize that God will sometimes say no to our prayers because He has something better for us. I’ve seen this in my own life many times which is why, as frustrating as it can be to wait sometimes, I welcome God’s alternatives in my life.

They key I’ve learned in my study over the past few years is this…when I have a desire in my life that is within God’s biblical guidelines, HE IS THE ONE THAT PUT IT THERE!! I am realizing more and more that God is prompting me with these desires because He wants to use them for His glory in my life. It is the spiritual part of me trying to express itself through this individual.

For example, my dream is to have the freedom of working my own schedule, and making hundreds of thousands of dollars by impacting thousands of people a day. There is no part of this that is outside of God’s guidelines. He doesn’t want me working crazy hours being away from friends and family like I sometimes am now. He wants me to enjoy abundance and freedom with my finances, and craves the opportunity to use this human creation to bring Him glory. I know it is Him that has influenced me with this desire.

So what do I do now? Get out of the way and allow it to happen. Since the desire is from God, I know He wants it to be realized as much as I do. So I do my part by remaining in prayer and paying attention for opportunities I can act on. The rest is up to Him to make it happen. It’s as simple as that.

Are you in the same situation today? Do you have this burning desire for changes and great things in your life? I recommend you focus on them and realize that they are coming from God. Also realize that He wants them to take place as much as you do, and if you let Him, He will make it happen. It’s up to you to pray and seek opportunities to act. Then just let Him do His will through you and let the miracles take place.

You can stop your dreams and desires from being realized. You can do this by thinking negatively, doubting, or trying to do everything on your own. However, you cannot stop God from realizing His desires. And when you make your desires His (which they are already anyway), and let Him do His glorious work, it’s only a matter of time before those intentions come true.

So what’s your wish? Pray and make it known to God, thank Him for giving it to you, and let Him make it happen. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

A Lesson From The Mood Ring

March 24, 2014

Do you remember the mood ring? When I was about 10 years old I became infatuated by the fact you could put a ring on your finger where the color changed depending on your mood.

I will use this fad as the analogy to describe something that’s been on my mind lately. Here’s a story…about 2 months before my 10th birthday I discovered the mood ring and instantly wanted one. Christmas had just passed, so my mother said she would get one for me, but I had to wait until my birthday. I was fine with that and anxiously waited for my birthday, knowing I would receive this gift.

This was all good until my family went on vacation a month later. Everyone spends more freely on vacation, right? This was going through my mind as I saw a mood ring in a souvenier shop. I knew my birthday was a month away, but I saw the opportunity to receive it now. I asked my mother and she said no, I still had to wait for my birthday. I complained and persisted a bit, but she said no again. I realized this was a lost battle and let it go, knowing I would simply have to wait a month longer.

Finally, my birthday arrived. I had faith that I would be receiving this mood ring, and sure enough there it was. Once I received it, I thanked my parents several times over, and enjoyed the benefits of having this desired gift.

I share this story to prove a point. We all have goals and desires now that we want to receive as soon as possible. I believe that by following this example, you can make it happen. Here’s how….the first thing I did was simply to ask. I expressed my desire to my mother that I wanted a mood ring. Immediately after that, I had the strong faith that it was mine. I wouldn’t get it right away, but I would receive it at the right time. I KNEW I would receive it. Here’s a key point…my mother was the type that if I kept asking and asking and complaining that I didn’t have it yet, she would change her mind and I would not get it. Knowing this, I simply kept quiet and waited. Even when I thought I had a chance to get it early, I stepped back and discontinued my complaining after I was denied the early opportunity to receive it.

Speaking of that early opportunity, sometimes you will get an opportunity to receive your desire sooner. I had the opportunity and went for it. I could have received it, or found out I had to wait a little longer. When I found out the latter, I simply accepted and waited the necessary time. Finally, the right time arrived, I received my desire, then went on to enjoy and appreciate it.

To summarize, I believe you can receive your desire sooner than later by doing the following:

  1. Ask for it – Ask God and anyone that can help you.
  2. Have faith – KNOW you will receive your desire at the right time.
  3. Take advantage of any opportunity to receive it as soon as possible.
  4. Avoid forcing the issue – instead of forcing it to arrive early and complaining that you don’t have it, let it go and joyfully anticipate the time you will have what you want.
  5. Gladly receive it, use it for God’s glory, and be ever thankful that you have it.

I believe that if you follow this formula, you will receive many things you desire. Some may arrive sooner than others, but this type of faithful and thankful attitude will bring abundant blessings into your life. I can guarantee that the color of your mood ring will represent joy, love, and a passion for life. Enjoy the blessings 🙂


The Power of How

March 19, 2014

You may start by asking if the above title is a typo. Isn’t it supposed to be the power of now? I am aware of the excellent book by Eckhart Tolle and the importance of being in the now. However, what you read is indeed the intended title of this post.

What do I mean by the power of how? I heard this message before and was reminded of it again several days back. It’s an excellent way to motivate yourself to take action to reach your goals. The concept is that whenever you need solutions to your problems and need to determine what action to take to get closer to your realized goal you ask the question “how”.

In essence, I see it as asking the question twice. Once to God, then to yourself. Asking this question of “how” is very empowering for a number of reasons. One is that if you seriously focus on it, you ALWAYS receive answers. In fact, God is waiting for you to ask how to accomplish something. He always guides you when you ask for this wisdom. Second, is when your mind is challenged to come up with an answer to this question, it works to find it and subconsciously direct you to the necessary action.

I challenge you to try this. Think of something you want to accomplish. Let’s say you are seeking a new job. Ask yourself and God…”how can I find a new job?” Ask God in prayer and you will be amazed at the rapid and helpful response. Ask yourself and see how quickly your mind provides ideas and directions for you to move. Then the key is to take those ideas and responses and run with them. Act on them as soon as you can. If you do, things in your life will move in a hurry. This is true not only for finding a job, but for any area of your life such as finding a relationship, getting more healthy, receiving more money, or whatever goal you have.

I can tell you from experience that this formula works. Every time I seriously ask this how question, I receive answers, often sooner than I would have even expected. In recent days I’ve reflected on the how, and things are happening very quickly. There are certain life changes I have been considering. At this point I am even a bit nervous because I am receiving results, information, phone calls, etc. much quicker than I anticiapted. It’s all good, but I may have to make some serious decisions and take some God-induced risks very soon.

I recommend again that you regularly ask this how question to take yourself to the next level in life. Think of where you want to go and ask God and yourself how to accomplish it. You WILL receive answers. Then you take it from there. Enjoy the blessings 🙂