Use Your Imagination to Dream God’s Dreams

January 13, 2016


The following is part 2 of an excellent sermon I heard recently about the power of imagination. Following these guidelines can change your life. I invite you to listen, apply, and enjoy 🙂

Most people don’t imagine because they’re afraid of failure, but doubt and fear neutralize what God wants to do in your life. Pastor Rick explains in this message how to let your imagination be governed by faith, not fear.

Source: Daring to Imagine, Part 2

Using God’s Great Gift…The Power of Imagination

January 12, 2016

I am a firm believer in the power of imagination. Much of the information provided on this site is based on that. Recently, I heard an incredible message from pastor Rick Warren about God’s gift of imagination. It’s the best presentation of this that I’ve ever heard. There are three messages. I will provide one each day.

Daring to Imagine, Part 1

The Bible says you need to focus on the things that will last — the things you can’t actually see with your eyes. So how do you focus on things you can’t see? In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches why your imagination is essential to living by faith.

Source: Daring to Imagine, Part 1

How To Find the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

July 29, 2014

It would be great to be able to go anywhere or be anything we wanted to be, wouldn’t it? Think about it. On a frigid winter day instantly taking yourself to a warm beach on Miami; Beaming with confidence in a situation that normally produces fear; Accomplishing a goal you’ve always wanted to conquer. The list can go on endlessly.

I have been reminded often in recent times that we indeed have this power. We can bring ourselves anywhere and be anything we want to be. I share this reminder with you today. It’s a wonderful, God-given gift called our imagination. The great thing about this wonderful gift is that, not only can be used to produce wonderful dreams and situations, but it can be used to make those dreams a reality.

How can our imagination, this wonderful gift that had us fantasizing about being parents, actors, firefighters, athletes, heroes, etc. as kids take us to higher levels as adults? It happens in two ways. One is the thought. That is envisioning yourself in the situation or as the person you want to be. It is effective because it affects your subconscious mind. It is this part of your mind that affects the actions you take. When your mind is positively impacted, it inspires you to take the required action to reach your goal, thus getting you there faster.

Here’s the second factor, and what I am learning is even more important. Your imagination can provide the feelings of fulfillment, the same positive feelings you would have if you were actually where you wanted to be. I am learning more that it is these feelings that impact the subconscious in a significant way, even greater than the strong thoughts.

What this tells me is the more you can put yourself in the state of being and feeling that reflects your dream and goal being fulfilled, the faster you will get there for real. Here’s an excellent quote from a book on this idea called “The Power of Awareness” by Neville Goddard. I see it as one of the great keys to creating your desired life… “The man who at will can assume whatever state he pleases has found the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. The keys are desire, imagination, and steadily focused attention on the feeling of the wish fulfilled. To such a man any undesirable objective fact is no longer a reality and the ardent wish no longer a dream”.

The ticket to heaven and how to get there is another discussion altogether. However, if you are looking to experience heaven on earth, this author and others with the same message provide the key. Hold a picture of your desire in your mind and don’t let it go. Then feel it and live it as if you already have it. As the author says, assume the wish fulfilled and it is yours.

I realize we have to act and play our part too. However, I don’t know about you, but if these are the two very simple steps we have to take to realize our wishes and goals, then what is stopping you? If you haven’t spent time using your imagination and feeling and “experiencing” the wish fulfilled, try it now and see how powerful it is. You have nothing to lose. If anything, you will make yourself happier simply by thinking beautiful thoughts. Yet there is much more positive to gain along with it. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

As a post note, in addition to your imagination, you can use several other techniques to realize your desires quickly. This free e-book, The Ease and Keys of Rapid Manifestation will show you how 🙂


A Place You Can Have All of Your Desires

April 22, 2014

Don’t you wish there was a place where you could have anything you want? Your personal confidence is sky-high. You have all the money you need and more. Your relationships are positive and mutually enriching. You are in the perfect career, loving the work you do. Your faith tells you that you can accomplish anything. You travel the world and enjoy the most beautiful sights.

What if I told you there is such a place? And that you can be there at any time. This place does exist, it”s fully accessible, and you control everything there.

Where is it? Please tell me, I hear you begging. This wonderful place is…. your imagination. One of God’s greatest gifts and blessings is the wonderful imagination he has given you. Is it not true? Can your imagination take you anywhere you want to be and provide you anything you could want?

The problem is that when many people leave their childhood, they leave the joy of their imagination behind. Small children have so much fun using their imagination, making themselves heroes, parents, athletes, cowboys, brides, you name it. They have so much fun living these experiences. They are not real, but they certainly make it as close as possible to being so.

I want to know whoever said that the fun has to stop after childhood. Last I heard no one ever made this rule, yet so many people avoid using this wonderful gift. It’s a wonderful gift for many reasons. I have also learned in the last few years that the imagination can be used to dramatically enhance our lives. Albert Einstein said that our imagination is the preview of our life’s coming attractions. Jesus Himself said that if we can imagine and believe our prayers and desires as already true, they will be answered.

One other great fact is that your subconscious mind does not know the difference between a real or imagined event. If you continually imagine something as true, your mind believes it, and your actions occur in conjunction, resulting in greater confidence and success.

So why not use your imagination to the fullest. Certainly use it to take you places you want to go and help you become the person you want to be. In addition, I recommend you use it deliberately to shape your mind and develop the necessary faith to act on accomplishing your goals.

For more details and steps to use your imagination to its fullest, I suggest you check out my free e-book, “The Ease and Keys of Rapid Manifestation”

You can have anything you desire in life and you can be the person you’ve always wanted to be. Can you imagine?

Can We Receive A Million Dollars From A Song?

November 30, 2012

I’ve always enjoyed the song “If I Had A Million Dollars” by BNL. It’s a catchy song by a bunch of Canadian guys having some fun. If you haven’t heard it, the song is about what the guys would do and have, and what life would be like if they had a million dollars.

Some people enjoy listening to the song and dreaming along with them. Others discard the thought. “I don’t have a million dollars or a way to get it, so why should I even bother thinking about it?”, they say.

The song is a humorous and laid back way of thinking those million dollar thoughts. However, learning what I have in the past few years, I think these guys have something more than a good song here. I have learned that it’s a great idea to think about things as we want to experience them. If we do it deliberately, and add the emotion of already having it, the thought becomes more than just a dream. It becomes our reality.

When you use your imagination, focus on the most exact and specific details, and experience the strong positive emotions associated with the desired success, your subconscious mind begins taking it as being true and real. Then when you take the appropriate action, you are acting in a confident manner that will bring you the very success you imagined. Your confidence and faith grows, and as long as you keep thinking and acting positively, the success will continue.

For those of you who are afraid to dream because you find your goals unreachable or impossible, you will prove yourself correct. However, if you refuse to see a million dollar dream of any kind as a childish fancy, and want to move yourself towards it, play these crazy imaginary games, and enjoy the experience. Take it a step further, and take time each day to deliberately use your imagination to create the positive, faithful emotions to help create the success you are seeking.

I realize this is just a song, and a bunch of guys having a good time. However, if you’re having any doubts about following the ideas of a music group, I will remind you of one thing…THEY’RE MILLIONAIRES!!!

Have an excellent day!

Positive Observations

February 5, 2012

There is a great deal of talk in the educational world these days about the accountability of teachers. One of the ways teacher performance is rated is a classroom observation by a school administrator.

I am a teacher. Although I understand the need for accountability, it makes me uncomfortable that my entire year’s performance can be judged in a 45 minute snapshot. In the correct manner, an observation is used to find some strengths, and help teachers find ways to improve their performance and student learning. At my school, it is taken a bit more seriously, and it does not make me comfortable that jobs are maintained or lost based on a single observation. Last year, even though my students are performing very well, I had received good reports in the past, and have a positive reputation in the school community, criticism from an adminstrator’s single observation almost cost me my job. It was another single good observation later in the year that saved me. Hence the reason for my lack of faith in our school’s system.

I use this information to illustrate an important concept. It was recently observation time for me again. As I prayed about it, I felt God telling me I had two options. I could focus on my distrust, negative thoughts, and feelings of inadequacy, or I could focus on His strength, positive thoughts, and feelings of success.  I quickly decided my chances were much better if I chose the latter.

Before the observation, I did two things. One is that I prayed for success. The second is an excellent enhancer to any prayer. I played out a successful teaching experience over and over in my mind. I saw the positive response of the students and my observer. I heard my positive, confident voice. I felt the satisfaction of student achievement as well as my own.

As I focused on these two things, there was no doubt that this would be a positive experience. As it turned out, my report came back positive and ideal. I learned of several positives that added to the positive classroom experience. I also learned some helpful information that could enhance those positives. Just as an observation should be!

I cannot stress enough the importance of experiencing positive observations in our minds. For any situation, when we see and experience success in our minds first, it plays out in our world, usually sooner than later. Success becomes natural because we’ve already “experienced” it many times. As I’ve said before, our subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a real and imagined event. If it sees success, real or not, it will lead us there for more.

God has been kind enough to give us an imagination. Let us use it for our good and His by seeing and experiencing the events we wish to live out for real. Before long, it will no longer be a part of the imagination. Instead it will be our real, normal life experience. Enjoy the blessing : )