How You Can Stand Out From the Crowd

January 23, 2020

Happy New Year!! Yes, I know I’m a little late, but even as we are 3 plus weeks into 2020, this is my first post of the year. I’ll start a resolution now to post more regularly here 🙂

Anyway, this first post isn’t even my writing, but it really caught my attention and I felt the need to share with my readers. Standing out from the crowd has been on my mind often during this first month of the year, and I felt like the list presented here is a goldmine of helpful information to help me and anyone reading this accomplish that goal.

I received this article in an e-mail and there was no article attached. As a result, I simply copy and pasted it to the end of this post. I will begin posting more of my original material in the next few days. As always, I thank you for visiting this site. I hope you find this article as helpful as I did. Have a great day 🙂

Eight Ways to Stand out From the Crowd? – by Charles M. Marcus
Sometimes I think we may feel that we have to do the big things in life to stand out from the crowd, to make a difference, but in my experience I have found that it is the little things that we do on a consistent basis that are usually the most powerful. I would like to share with you 8 ways that I have found help you stand out from the crowd.  Some are based on my own personal and professional experience, and some I have observed in other people who I admire and respect.
Make your own list, compare, but the main point of the exercise is to integrate the points in to your daily life and the key to its success is by implementing them.
1.    Make it a habit to follow-up with people promptly. It sounds simple, right? In my experience, and surveys regularly back this up, 67% (amazingly!) of people do not follow up in business.  Did you know that most sales are not closed until the sixth, seventh or even until the eighth attempt; very few deals are achieved on the first few attempts, and yet only three percent of sales people follow-up more than twice.
Whatever business you are in, if it involves making a sale, signing that contract, or building relationships, the best way to stand out from the crowd is to follow-up promptly, follow-through, and be persistent and determined. Don’t give up if you are initially rejected, keep following up!  Somebody once said, “a no is only a request for more information!”
2.    Equally as important as following-up is taking the time to respond to people who leave you messages. This is only common courtesy.  How often do we not find the time to follow-up with someone who has emailed us or left a voice-mail unless we know specifically why they have contacted us, and even then we do not always take the time to respond.
Not only is this bad manners, it is also bad business. How many important relationships have you missed out on by not responding to a message? The people who stand out from the crowd take the time to respond.
3.    When you are speaking to people, give them 100% of your attention, and I mean 100%. There is nothing more annoying or obvious to people than you having your own agenda and only waiting for the other person to take a breath so that you can jump in to get your point across or to turn the conversation around to yourself.
Develop your listening skills, most people are not truly good listeners. I have found that you gain much more from being a great listener than being a great talker. Be interested in other people and what their point of view is. Ask lots of open-ended questions. Dale Carnegie once said: “To be interesting to other people, you have to be interested in them first”. Wise and true words from a great and wise person.
4.    Get in to the habit, and that is all it is, of sending a hand written note or card to someone who has given you an order, a referral, or has been nice, courteous or helpful to you. It takes a few minutes, but means a lot to the recipient, especially in this day of impersonal and easy e-mail messages. I don’t know about you, but I really appreciate it when someone goes to the time and trouble of hand writing a letter or card to me, actually puts a real stamp on it and writes out my name and address on the envelope instead of a computer label. It personalizes it for me, makes me feel like I am more than just a prospect in a list of many for that person. Maybe I am making a big deal out of this, but from the response I get from people when I do this, I know it is appreciated.
5.    People expect the expected of you. Why not do the unexpected. Do you acknowledge people who for whatever reason do not give you that order, where you didn’t get the contract or make the sale?
Remember, they did let you make the presentation? Do you acknowledge the person who didn’t hire you for that job, but at least gave you the experience of the interview? Most people don’t take the time or have the discipline to do this, and yet, a sale or a job lost or a contract given to one of your competitors today, does not mean it is lost for ever. Do not give up, think long term, think about the relationship you may be developing, the connection you are building for the future, and not about the lost sale, or your bruised ego!
6.    If you belong to an association or a group either in your personal or professional life, and this includes a church, synagogue, mosque, etc., get involved. Do not get involved because you want something in return, but because you want to contribute. People will respect and acknowledge you for it, look at you and treat you differently.  And this is just an added bonus to the personal satisfaction of getting involved and contributing to something you believe in.  In the process you learn to become a leader instead of just a participant.
7.    Invest one hour a day, at least, to your own individual personal and professional development. You can take the one hour all at once, or break it in to segments, whatever fits in to your lifestyle and schedule. During that time read a book, maybe an autobiography of someone you admire or a business book, listen to tapes and the words of wisdom from the experts in the fields and areas of your life that you want to improve, subscribe to a daily e-zone with wonderful quotes or ways to motivate you, inspire you, and to challenge you.
We can all say we can’t find the time, but this is so important to your personal growth.  For many years the only thing I ever read was the sports pages of the newspaper when I was growing up in England. What a waste. I wish I would have devoted more of that time to my development. I am not saying you should not read the sports page or a good fiction book, or whatever interests you, we all need that down time for ourselves, but don’t do that at the expense of opening up your mind to new ideas and areas for improvement. Do not look at your education as an expense of time but as an investment of your time. Knowledge is wisdom when applied correctly.  Never stop learning.
8.    Stretch your comfort zone; do one new thing every day. Take a chance on something you have always wanted to try. Don’t be afraid of being rejected, of people saying no to you, or of failing.  The people who stand out from the crowd are the ones prepared to take that chance. I am not saying do something radical or fool hardy,  but you can become a sensible risk taker. We all have choices and decisions to make every day. We all know the things we want to do and the things we need to do.

Take some risk, defy conventional wisdom and make your own wisdom come true. My old boss, when I was a sales professional, used to say after every sales meeting: “Do you want to stay safe and be good, or do you want to take a chance and be great.”

The choice, my friends, is yours, every single day.

About the Author
Charles Marcus is a professional speaker, trainer and facilitator.  He works internationally with companies and associations who want to inspire excellence in their people.  For more information please contact his office. For contact details, visit his website at

Wake Up From the Dream…And Live in Success

May 21, 2018

Last night I had a dream that I was at work. I have a good reputation there, but in the dream, I was accused of something that may have cost me my job. I knew I was completely innocent, yet I couldn’t think of the words to use to defend myself. I stressed over the interview I would soon have with my boss and colleagues. Just before the meeting began, I woke up.

I remember how relieved I was when I realized this was only a dream. The hurt of being falsely accused, and the worry of what I needed to say to keep my job was all imaginary. It was the middle of the night, but I actually went to the bathroom with a smile on my face as I realized it was just an imaginary reality.

I share this because I have been reading of a lot of “A Course in Miracles” lately. This is one of the main themes of the book. It’s that the circumstances and the past of our lives is really all a dream. It’s only as real as we make it. Any of these past events that we are remembering, we are remembering it now, in the present. The truth that we should be awake to is the presence and power of God and His spirit in our lives now. That is reality. Again, the rest, such as the circumstances, the past, and anything not having to do with God and His Spirit and power, is all a dream.

Please understand, I am not saying to completely give up thoughts about the past, or even things in life that need to be taken care of now. However, we cannot allow ourselves to be haunted by nightmares of the past. If negative things have happened, we can use them as a learning experience to help us in the present. If positive things have happened, we can reflect on them and use them to encourage and sustain us today. However, one of the greatest keys to success is to stay focused on God, His Spirit, and His power in the present moment.

How can we stay present and focused on God? One way is to reflect on the knowledge that He is in everyone and everything. When you see people and things, avoid focusing on and judging the outside appearance. Instead, reflect on the inner, Godly presence. Remember….the Bible says to “seek first the kingdom of God, and all else shall be given to you”. When you seek God in yourself and others, you are setting yourself up to receive all blessings the kingdom of God can offer! Also, I believe you are following God’s command to love your neighbor as yourself. After all, God is in others, as He is in you. When you seek God in this way, you are seeing and being His love!

Another way to stay focused on this Godly reality to is to be thankful. We receive in life what we most focus on. If you are focused on all of the good in your life, you are given more reasons to be thankful. It also keeps your mind occupied on what is real instead of the dreams our circumstances represent.

I have continued to learn and teach this fact…the quality of our circumstances is determined by the quality of our mind. If we focus on God’s truth, goodness, and love, for the most part, that’s what we will experience in our lives. If we dwell in the dream of negative circumstances and allow them to dictate the quality of our thoughts, we will only perpetuate those circumstances.

So my advice is to wake up! Anything outside of God and is will is just a dream. Like me, you can smile after you realize this, and live in an awake state, seeking God, His truth, His power, and His love in your life and the life of others. That’s what life is all about. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

A Sure Way to Success and Prosperity

January 17, 2016

Success and prosperity is something we all crave in life. We all want to do well in life, achieve our goals, and experience financial freedom to enjoy life. If only there was a guaranteed formula to bring this about.

I am here to remind you that there is that formula you are looking for. If you know the Bible, you have probably read or heard this verse numerous times. I know I have. Yet if you are like me, you often feel good, but quickly move on not allowing yourself to fully realize the power in these words.

The key verse I am sharing is Joshua 1:8. I like the New Living Translation version best. It says… Study this Book of Instruction (The Bible) continually. “Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do”. God’s word is amazingly powerful. Every part of it is true. I know I have been guilty of reading the Word and knowing it, but not applying and doing it. Only recently have I realized the amazing blessings we receive when we completely live by God’s Word.

If you need further proof of this, just look in the next verse. It says… “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”. It means you do not have to fear. Here’s the bottom line…when you consistently live out the words of the Bible with confidence, knowing that God is with you every step of the way, you can only succeed!

As mentioned, I am realizing this more than ever now. That is why I feel the desperate need to share this with as many people as possible. Take the Bible to heart. It is inspired by God, and every word of it is true. Know that God will not go against His own word. He will do what He says He will do!

I challenge you today to find time to learn God’s word. When something stands out, stop and spend some time meditating on it. Then ask God how you can apply it to your life and live it out. If you ask, He will tell you. Doing this consistently will lead to the success and prosperity you are seeking. Even when and after it arrives, continue to seek God and live by His words. Your life will be filled with joy and miracles. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

Jumpstart Your Success

November 5, 2015

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am beginning a series of articles on positive attitude attributes found in Jeffrey Gitomer’s book, “The Little Golden Book of Yes”. I am taking 22 yes attitude attributes from his self-reflection and report card section of the book. You can rate yourself on the level of your positive attitude you have by giving yourself a score of 1-5 for each. I have made it a point to get 5 for as many of them as possible each day.

The first attribute I will discuss is a logical one to jumpstart your success. It is quite simple, yet sometimes easier said than done. However, making this a key habit can make a major difference in your level of success each day. The simple attribute is to start EVERY day on a positive note. Begin the day immediately with thoughts of success and how you will excel. Here are some ways to accomplish this each day:

  • Gratitude – Immediately reflect on the things you are thankful for in life. It can be anything from health and protection, your family, money (no matter how much or little you have), and basics like food, clothing, electricity, or whatever you place your mental focus on.
  • Affirmations – Affirm positive words and phrases to yourself to set and maintain a positive frame of mind. I often do this in the shower first thing in the morning to help wake myself up and fill my mind with positive reminders.
  • Visualize your day – I find it very helpful to determine what I need to do to be successful that day. Then, usually as I enjoy my breakfast and coffee, I visualize myself succeeding in those endeavors throughout the day.
  • Determine how you can be a blessing – On many occasions, opportunities to bless others arrive spontaneously. However, when I think in advance of things I can do to be a blessing to others, it keeps me in that state of mind to look for ways I can give to others and take them to a higher level.
  • Pray – I spend my 20 minute drive to work with no radio, music, or any type of distraction. The time is spent in prayer for a successful day for me and those close to me. This alone can be a powerful way to begin a successful day.

These are just some suggestions of how you can begin each day on a positive note. I understand that sometimes you know from the beginning that the day will be difficult to face. However, instead of dreading it and going into it with a negative attitude, prepare yourself right away for success, knowing that you can overcome any obstacle with the right frame of mind. Set yourself up for success by immediately filling your mind with positive thoughts at the start of each day. Once this becomes a regular habit, it will become as natural as anything else in your morning routine. Even better, it will add more success and joy to your life, and it contagiously translates to others as well. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

The Most Simple Formula Success is Right Here

July 20, 2015


Every once in awhile I feel the need to get back to the basics. When it comes to reaching success in manifesting my desires, I can’t think of a more simple formula than this one here. Yet we (myself included) often overcomplicate the process and try to do too much. We think negative, lacking thoughts which create negative emotions, and we don’t envision the success we crave. When we don’t succeed we begin to doubt, and that brings us even further away from our goals.

Instead of pulling yourself away from your desires, follow this formula to bring yourself closer. Think success thoughts. Enjoy the positive feelings that correspond to those thoughts. Use your imagination to bring you ANYWHERE YOU WANT TO BE, AND BE ALL YOU WANT TO BE. That’s the wonderful part about our imagination 🙂

The more you think positively and feel positive emotions, the more you set yourself up for the success you are seeking. If you look for them, positive opportunities will begin to appear at your doorstep. It is then up to you to take the necessary action on those opportunities, resulting in success. This success then begins to snowball, and you begin living the life of your dreams.

Am I oversimplifying this process? In the fact that it can be described in more than 200 words, yes. However, in essence, it is this simple. When you consciously monitor your thoughts and emotions to keep them positive far more often than negative, you are indeed setting yourself up to be used by God for His greatness. He is doing most of the work while you just take the small and simple steps you need to take. IT CAN BE THAT SIMPLE!

I challenge you today to focus on this quote and follow its simple instructions. Then watch the miracles take place. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

How to Get Your Plans to Succeed

February 16, 2015

We are all looking for quick ways to success. While doing my daily Bible reading, I found a quick, easy, and logical way to experience the success I am looking for.

I share this simple yet powerful verse with you…Proverbs 16:3 says to commit your plans to the Lord and they will succeed. One version says to share your plans with the Lord, another says to commit your actions. Either way, it’s obvious that the clear cut road to success is to put your desires in God’s hands.

I believe this is true because if God has control of your plans you will not fail. One of two things will happen. He will bless the plans and help you carry them out. Or He will alter the plans according to His will, and they will turn out even better than you thought.

The Life Application Bible provides some excellent advice regarding this concept. It suggests to act as if everything depended on you, yet pray and trust as if everything depends on God. You can’t go wrong with that combination.

What plans do you want to succeed today? Consider them and commit them to the Lord. If you do, you will experience success. There’s no way around it. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

The Fastest Way to Manifest Your Goals

July 28, 2014

Take a moment to consider what you want most in life right now. What is the success you are craving? What are the greatest goals you want to accomplish? Once you have the answers to this question, you are already a step closer to the rapid manifestation of your goals.

The next question is…how do I receive it? More importantly, how do I get it as quickly as possible?

As I became tired of waiting for the most positive results, I began researching the answers to the above question. The more I studied, the more I realized there was a consistent 5 step formula that when used consistently, will indeed speed up the process of success and realizing your goals. It works well because it puts you in the frame of mind and mode of action necessary to bring you the success you crave. I have implemented this formula in my own life, and I have experienced significant positive changes. These changes have not only enhanced my life, but they have also impacted many of those around me as well.

You can enjoy these same results. This short e-book, The Ease and Keys of Rapid Manifestation – How to Get What You Want Quickly will help you accomplish your goals and realize your desires, and make it happen much sooner than you can imagine.

Click here for your free copy…

The Ease and Keys of Rapid Manifestation – How to Get What You Want Quickly



What Separates Successful People From Everyone Else Is The Incredible Faith They Have

June 26, 2014

I felt the need to share this incredible truth…

Turning Failure Into Success

February 10, 2014

I will begin today with the story of a man who tried, but failed. This poor basketball player says… “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot…and missed. I have failed over and over again in my life”.

Don’t you feel sorry for this individual? I wouldn’t often embarrass someone by telling all of my readers about his failure. I have nothing against this person, but I’m going to put him on the spot and share his name with everyone. His name is Michael Jordan.

Yes I am talking about that Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time. Even if you don’t follow basketball, you are probably aware that this player has won multiple championships, broken countless records, and is regarded by most as the greatest basketball player to ever play the game. The above statistics are completely true. This great player has failed many times. Yet it’s obvious that he didn’t let it stop him.

I am realizing more each day that one of the greatest keys in life is exactly that…don’t let failure stop you. I am also realizing more each day that failure is unavoidable. The only ones who avoid failure are the ones that don’t try to progress in the first place. That’s a great way to avoid failure, but an even better way to avoid living the high quality life you want to live.

The simple fact is this. The people who have earned the greatest success in life failed numerous times along the way. I’ve read that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before perfecting some of his greatest inventions. Many modern day actors, performers, and athletes were unable to make their high school plays or sports teams and told that they would never amount to anything.

A prominent CEO of a large company said the formula for success is doubling your rate of failure. If you do experience failure you have two choices. One is to give up. Two is to use it as a motivation to keep trying. I deliberately left out the last part of the Michael Jordan quote above. At the end of it, he said, “that’s why I succeed”. It’s because he uses it as a motivator to keep going. It’s obvious that he did not let failure get the best of him or bring him down.

The lesson I’ve learned from this that I share with you is this…if you are not failing, you are not trying. Failure is ok, as long as you use it to learn and move on instead of letting it drag you down and cause you to give up. If we want to take ourselves to the next level in life, we need to take ourselves into unfamiliar territory. We don’t exactly know what to do when we get there. As a result, we are bound to make mistakes. If you do, acknowledge it, learn from it, and use that new knowledge and experience to take the next step.

Do people remember Michael Jordan for all of those shots he missed, or those games he lost? Absolutely not. Instead, he is remembered for his extremely high level of success. Instead of dwelling on the failure, he learned from it and used it as a motivation to take the next steps to success. If you follow that same formula, you will be known for your success as well. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

Building a Success Consciousness

January 10, 2014

A success consciousness is that state of mind in which you cannot see yourself as anything but a success. – Ben Sweetland

This quote really caught my attention today because it combines many of the ideas I’ve learned during my years of study on mind power, success, and manifesting the greatness I seek for me and those around me.

It’s all about doing exactly what the quote says…seeing yourself ONLY as successful. It’s about not taking no for an answer. It’s about faith. It’s about empowering yourself.

How do we develop this type of mindset? By the techniques I’ve learned and written about during the past few years. That is using affirmations, visualization, and the like to program the subconscious to think positive, successful thoughts. Please refer to my other posts for more detailed information about those success-building topics.

I read this quote in Ben Sweetland’s book, “Make Money While You Sleep”. He provides two other suggestions that I will share here:

  1. Have a definite objective, knowing exactly what it is you want to accomplish. Go above knowing it CAN get done and determine a specific plan for accomplishing the goal.
  2. Develop a “do it now” attitude and get started right away. He mentions that once you take action and get started, it is much easier to continue your progress from there.

I know from experience that when you have the confidence from the quote above, the possibility for miracles and blessing in your life is endless. I have found that everything goes smoother, even when obstacles fall into my path. I not only experience more success, but I have greater joy and happiness as a result

This promise is true for you too. Program your mind so that success is the ONLY possible result. There’s no doubt and no way around it. As you continue to experience success, your confidence will grow, and the blessings will only multiply in your life. I am confident that there is no other way 🙂