A New Direction in Faith

August 4, 2016

Hello my loyal and cherished readers. Every once in a while we are prompted to move away from a successful endeavor to respond to a greater call. In an effort to positively impact as many people as possible, I felt the calling to focus on a more specific area of self-help and personal development.

As a result, I have created a new website which I hope you will continue to follow. It is called God and Mind Power. The themes I am focusing on to help you and hopefully many others enhance your life are being aware of and accessing the power of God that so readily shares, and using one of His greatest gifts effectively…that is the power of your own mind.

I realize many of these same themes are shared at this site, and after 4 years of developing this site and meeting so many great people, I am certainly not giving this site up. I would hope you would still enjoy the almost 400 articles I have available here. It’s just that, as I said earlier, I feel the need to narrow my focus and start from scratch in doing so.

Once again, I thank you for your loyal readership on this site. The goal is to help you take your life to the highest level possible. I promise that does not change with a new site. As always, feel free to share your thoughts, comments, and anything you believe will help impact more people. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

Can We Offend God?…It’s Not How You Think

August 4, 2016

Can we actually offend God? After all, as human beings, we do some evil things on a regular basis. Even good people, with good intentions fall short, make mistakes, and do things that our God would be disappointed with.

So the question again…can we offend God? In reality, I have learned that God is a forgiving God. I believe that if we ask for forgiveness, we are forgiven as simply as that. I believe He may be disappointed in our choices sometimes, but I’m not so sure He is offended.

At this point, I’ll put the concept on human terms. As mentioned, I don’t believe we can offend God. However, if we could, what do I think would offend Him the most? I don’t think it would be something bad we do or an action we should take and don’t. As I reflected on this, I firmly believe what would offend God the most, is not seeking His assistance. Think about it. He is God. He can do all things. He wants to do it all for us and bless us in ways we can’t even imagine. Yet we often don’t ask. We try to figure things out on our own, in our own flawed ways. We have the supreme power of the universe at our side at all times, someone who can’t wait to express that power on our behalf. Yet we don’t even consider asking Him most times.

I think about this in my own life. I am fortunate that I have a great relationship with my earthly father. For the most part, I believe I have made him proud. However, the times I have disappointed him most, are the times he was readily available to help, but I didn’t ask, and fell on my face as a result. He was ready and willing to help, but I didn’t ask and give him the chance to bless me. He still loved me of course, but I’m sure he was quite disappointed.

So what’s the solution for all this? Pour your heart out to God and ask Him to help. It’s as simple as that for whatever you need. His is there. He will answer. He will provide. If it’s not the way you asked for, it can only be better.

Again, I really don’t think we can offend God. However, why even cause the slightest disappointment because you did not ask for or rely on His power. I will say once again… GOD WANTS YOU TO ASK; GOD WANTS TO BLESS YOU BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS! Allow Him to do so and watch what happens. Enjoy the blessings 🙂


Try This to Stay in the Present Moment

August 3, 2016

I love how my 13 year old daughter has embraced the classic rock music I listened to at her age and still do today. One of our favorite songs is “Feels Like the First Time” by Foreigner. As I was humming this tune the other day, I was reminded of a great piece of advice I read about remaining focused on the present moment.

There are so many benefits to staying focused on the present. When you live in the moment, there is no room for guilt or regret from the past, or fear and worry of the future. You are also operating at your highest possible vibration. Of course when your vibration is high, you are thankful and joyful for the great things in life, and you open yourself up to receive them.

So let’s go back to the song in our intro. One of the best tips I’ve heard in a while about remaining focused on the present is to do things as if you are doing it for the first time, even things you do every day. When you sit down for a meal, savor and enjoy it as if it’s your first time doing so. Use all five senses to see the appetizing creation that is nourishing your body. Hear yourself chew it. Smell the wonderful aroma. Feel as it as goes into your mouth and stomach. And savor the delicious taste. When you take a shower, see and be thankful for the hot water that pours down. Feel it as it cleans your body. Smell the beautiful fragrance of the soap that is also cleansing your body. Hear the water pouring out. Again, experience it with the awe and wonder you would if it was the first time you were doing it.

This may seem simplistic, but it does wonders in helping you enjoy activities in the present moment. I recommend you try it. All things you do today, focus on it as if it’s the first time you are ever doing it. Then, as you focus on the present moment, be thankful for all that you are and all that you have at that moment, and for the opportunities you have to do all the things God has enabled you to do. You will enjoy life so much more than hopefully you already are. Enjoy the blessings 🙂