Avoid Resisting Negative Thoughts

June 29, 2022

My main theme on this site is to think positively. I’ve shared a million times that, when we think positive thoughts, it results in positive outcomes in our lives. What we think is usually what we get. That means the same is true for negative thoughts. If we continuously think negative thoughts, we unfortunately deal with negative outcomes.

So why does my title say to avoid resisting the negative thoughts? If negative thoughts bring negative outcomes, shouldn’t we do all we can to resist any negative thoughts? It’s an excellent question. After all, I’ve already said it. If we want positive situations in our lives, we need to think positive thoughts, not negative ones. Yes, we do need to remove negative thoughts. However, we need to be careful about how we do it.

I was recently re-reading a book by Rhonda Byrne called “The Greatest Secret.” It’s an amazing book (as all of hers are). One of the chapters deals with this subject about dealing with negative thoughts. In this chapter, Rhonda reminds us that it is counter-productive to resist negative thoughts. The reason is that the more we resist something, the more we give power to it. For example, I’ve recently had some negative thoughts about money. Our country is a mess right now, with prices from gas, food, travel, and pretty much everything else going through the roof. After going through a rather comfortable financial season recently, my family and I are starting to feel the crunch. Due to the much higher prices, we are struggling to keep up. As a result, I was having negative thoughts about money. I know that negative thoughts don’t serve me well, so I was fighting these thoughts. However, as I’ve learned in the past, fighting them only makes it worse, brings more stress, and doesn’t solve the problem.

Instead, I was reminded in this book of a different strategy. In fact, I’ve shared this in recent posts. Since I needed another reminder, I felt the need to share with you. The key is to avoid resisting the negative thoughts. Rather than fighting it, the best strategy is to simply acknowledge and allow the negative thoughts. When you notice a negative thought, stop and accept it for what it is. It is only a thought, and you are not that thought. So accept the thought. Actually allow it. As you allow it, you acknowledge that you have full control over it, and every thought. It’s not the other way around.

Again, it seems to go against the logic of positive thinking. However, in the past few days I’ve experienced the results of following this advice. When I was receiving the flood of negative money thoughts, I stopped and followed this advice. I acknowledged that I had negative thoughts about money. Instead of fighting them, I allowed them. I accepted them for what they were, and eventually released them. This alone provided an instant peace. However, things really changed when I took it a step further. Once the negative thoughts were released, I began searching for truthful thoughts. I thought about how God provides countless reminders in the Bible about His provision. I began to reflect on some of these verses.

This is where the magic really happened. As I did this, my mind automatically starting filling with positive thoughts. My overall feeling vibration also changed in a major way. Instead of feeling doubtful and stressed, my emotional vibration was at the highest end of the scale. I was thankful for God’s provision. I was joyful that these negative thoughts that were weighing me down had disappeared. Remember, it is these high emotional states that bring the greatest manifestations. No, I haven’t received any financial miracles yet. However, I was reminded of some other things. I am due for a significant raise at my job in the near future. As I a teacher, I am on vacation for the next 8 weeks, and I have some significant money making opportunities in front of me. I know I will be fine, at the very least.

Once again, I remind you. Instead of resisting the negative thoughts, acknowledge them and release them when you are ready to do so. Another great benefit of this according to Rhonda Byrne is that, besides releasing the negative thoughts that have held you down lately, this process releases all of the past thoughts about that as well. In my example, this not only helps me get over my recent financial stresses, but also helps remove money blocking negative thoughts I have had in the past. What a great relief! Hopefully the benefit of great peace, and moving from some of the lower to highest emotional states is an inspiration to help you with this process. It has helped me immensely, and I know it can help you too. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

Throwing Back Negative Thoughts

April 26, 2022
Photo by Tim Gouw on Pexels.com

Those that know me well know that I love baseball. There are many interesting traditions in baseball, but one that has always entertained me is with fans of the Chicago Cubs. When a Cub hits a home run, the fan that catches the ball is able to keep it. However, whenever someone who is on the visiting team hits a home run, the fans actually throw the ball back onto the field. They are able to keep it if they want, but since it’s not a Cubs home run, they throw it back and don’t want to keep it. It is a fun tradition that other teams have now begun to follow.

I was recently reading an article about rejecting negative thoughts. It was interesting because the article did not say to avoid negative thoughts, or even resist them. Instead, it said to reject them. I looked into this further. What does it mean to reject something? The definition I found is to “throw back”. It’s very much like the baseball example. When a Cubs fan catches a home run, they have a choice. Do I keep the ball, or throw it back? In the positive situation of a Cub hitting the ball, they choose to keep it. In the negative situation of an opponent hitting the ball, they choose to reject the ball by throwing it back.

This comparison is the same with our thoughts. We can never stop negative thoughts from coming, and to resist them gives too much energy to the negative situation. The Bible says to take our thoughts captive. We should take time each day to monitor our thoughts. It is up to us to choose the thoughts we wish to accept, and those we wish to reject. When we receive a positive thought, we should keep it and cherish it. When we receive a negative thought, we simply need to reject it. Once again, do not fight the negative thoughts. Simply acknowledge it is there, and throw it back.

I have found that this is a much easier and much more effective way to deal with negative thoughts. Instead of resisting and giving them power, we throw them away, thus making room for more positive thoughts. This is important because our circumstances are determined by our thoughts. The more positive thoughts a person has, the more positive circumstances they will have. In essence, when you throw away the negative thoughts, you throw away most negative circumstances! And the great thing is that you have full control of your thoughts, which is very empowering. So throw away those thoughts you don’t want. Replace each negative thought with a positive one, and I believe you will experience many more positive situations in your life. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

Thinking About Ways to Improve Your Health

March 29, 2022

I’ve never been one to place too much of a focus on my health. I’ve been lucky enough that I haven’t paid much of a negative price for this, as my health has been generally good during my life. However, as I get older I’ve been reminded by doctors and my body itself, that I do need to pay a bit more attention to the habits and foods that promote good health.

I understand the need for greater health habits, and have no problem doing them. Well, some anyway. I am a very picky eater and not very fond of most healthy foods, especially vegetables. I do like some, and enjoy some fruits and healthy meats as well. I’ve been able to find enough to be able to enjoy the ones I do like and incorporate those into my diet. I’ve never been much for routine exercise. Don’t get me wrong. I love being outside and playing competitive sports and games. I just never enjoyed aerobic workouts, weight lifting, jogging, and any routine exercises that don’t involve some type of game. That makes it difficult and could take a toll on my body when I can’t get outside for the long Buffalo winters.

Recently, I did some reading. As often happens, I received the same information in several of the books and articles I read. I’ve said it a million times before, and I’ll say it again. That’s when I know God is speaking to me! The articles were discussing how our physical health is often a manifestation of our mental health. The quality of the thoughts we choose very often determines the quality of our health! I’ve seen this in my own life. When I allow thoughts of stress and negativity, the negative effects show up in my body as more sickness, and weight gain from being lethargic. When I think negatively, it also affects my energy level. I am much more tired and unmotivated during these times.

Fortunately, I have learned to control my thoughts much better, and I often don’t allow these thoughts to negatively affect my body. On the other hand, when I maintain positive, wholesome thoughts, my body reacts to those too. I have much more energy, and just feel much healthier, and simply more alive. And the healthy habits and actions I need to take seem to happen much more easily and naturally.

In these readings and other online information there were several bits of information that were very helpful to me. These were common themes I noticed that can help you and I rid ourselves of the mental causes of sickness and ailments that we can potentially encounter. Perhaps not all will apply to you, but hopefully at least one or two can help.

  • Watch your thoughts. I recently discussed this in another article. Watch what you are thinking. Only allow thoughts that are positive, edifying, and encouraging. Allow thoughts that align with God’s truth. What you think on the inside manifests on the outside, and that includes our health. Stressful thoughts bring us down. Joyful and positive thoughts lift our spirits, which have incredible positive benefits on our energy and overall health.
  • Remove guilt. It is amazing how feelings of guilt can weigh a person down. We’ve all failed and we’ve all done things that we regret. However, we cannot change the past. What’s done is done. Instead of harping on what happened in the past, I recommend doing one of two things. Let it go completely, or do what you can do now to make up for the mistake. That’s it. The more you release the negative feeling of guilt, the more you allow the necessary positive feelings and thoughts to take over your mind.
  • Forgive. Just as you are forgiving yourself for past failures and mistakes, it is also necessary to do the same for others. I know it is often easier said than done. I’m a very patient and forgiving person (to a fault sometimes), but I’d be lying if I said there was no one in my life past or present with whom I still hold some resentment towards. However, just like removing our own feelings of guilt, the more we release negative thoughts towards others, the more liberating it is to us. When we forgive, the mental strain is released, and this has positive impacts on our physical bodies.
  • Follow your bliss. Do you ever notice the joy and positivity you feel when you are doing something you really enjoy? And do you sometimes notice the empty feelings when you are not doing those things? The key here is to be deliberate about it. As mentioned before, I love being outside, especially if it involves a golf course or a beach. I feel amazing, and it’s no coincidence that my level of health is always highest during the warm weather months. The problem, is those options are not available here in Buffalo during the winter. So I have two options, and I’ve done both. The first is to feel the blues of the dark, cold, snowy winter and count the days until summer. The second is to take advantage of the many other things I enjoy doing while I can’t be outside. Hopefully you can see that I love to write. Being inside provides many more writing opportunities. I also enjoy watching sports with their seasons in the winter like hockey and basketball. I also enjoy family time, as we’re forced to spend our time inside in the cozy house. The key is to stay motivated and engaged with things that I love to do. When our minds have something positive to focus on and enjoy, it doesn’t have time for negative thoughts that ultimately can make us sick.
  • Know that you don’t have to do everything. I’m one that like to do things for myself. However, I’ve realized over time that it is OK to ask for help. Sometimes we need help and support from others. The more we allow that help, the more we can release ourselves of the stress and unnecessary pressure that causes us to wear ourselves out.
  • Don’t be afraid. So many of us are ruled by fear. As confident as I am these days, I still let fear rule in my life sometimes. Someone recently asked me what is easier. Suffering from the burden of doing things myself and worrying about what can go wrong, or letting God who has all the power in the universe help me get things done and work things out. The answer is obvious. However, we make it difficult because we have such a hard time putting things in God’s hands and letting Him work out the details and results. I know we are responsible to take some actions, but we are often so bogged down with fear because we don’t trust the all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present God that only has our best interests in mind. If we were ever to let go of even some of our fears, our minds would be so liberated that it would automatically have such a healing and energizing effects on our bodies.

These are just a few suggestions. I am certainly not a health expert, but these have been helpful to me, and I can attest to the positive effects taking these steps have had on my own health. I also know how my body feels when I allow the negatives to take over my mind. I believe most of us know that mind and body go together. When the mind is good, so is the body. And when the mind is bogged down with negativity and stress, that is when we invite sickness and other negative situations to enter our bodies. I realize that sometimes we can’t control some negative things that happen to our health and bodies. Accidents happen. Some truly good people are taken from us early for reasons only God knows. However, why not focus on the things we can control? Focus on keeping our minds clear of the negative, stressful, and fearful thoughts. Replace them with thoughts that the Bible suggests we fill our minds with, thoughts that are noble, just, pure, lovely, admirable, and praise-worthy. I can tell you that if you keep these healthy thoughts in your mind, your body will be healthy as well. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

You Can Have Greater Control of Your Circumstances

March 28, 2022

If only you could control the circumstances in your life. How great would that be? I’m sure you would cherish the ability to live the life you want to live, to have the things you want to have, and to be the person you want to be.

Well, who says you can’t? I’ve been studying the power of the mind for over a decade now, and I still receive constant reminders that you and I, and anyone can have far more control of the circumstances of life than we realize. I do my best to share these reminders with you here.

So how can one exercise this greater control? Simply by controlling your thoughts. The foundation of life is in the mind. Whatever happens there, happens in the outside world. That is why it is so important to pay attention to what you are thinking. A Bible verse I’ve shared here often is Proverbs 4:23. It says to “guard your heart (which is your mind and deepest thoughts) above all else, because it determines the course of your life.” Another translation says to “be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.”

In some ways, this is difficult to hear because many of us think negatively on a much more regular basis than we think positive thoughts. Knowing that these thoughts affect our lives is not very comforting! However, the part that is comforting is that we can have full control of our thoughts! And if we can take and maintain that control, we can affect our circumstances. I fully believe that it is much easier to control what I am thinking than to try and control the many circumstances in my life. It may seem difficult to do, but I can tell you that with experience, it gets easier and easier. It then becomes even more natural and more rewarding after you see the positive results.

At this point, I know what you may be wondering. Does this mean all of my negative circumstances will disappear if I simply maintain positive thinking? I wish I could say it would. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that all of your negative circumstances will completely disappear. However, I know that God communicates with us throughout our lives in various ways, and sometimes negative situations are ways he uses to do so. Sometimes they are wake up calls, and oftentimes they are used to bring us to something greater. For whatever reason, they are part of all of our lives on this earth. I can say this, though. The more you control your thoughts and keep them focused on God’s truth and His principles, the more joy and happiness you will experience. And even when the negative situations occur, they will be easier to deal with and much more short-lived.

I am sure you have heard these reminders many times, especially if you regularly read my articles. Whether it’s your first or thousandth time, I remind you (and myself) again. Take time each day to watch what you are thinking. Deliberately think beautiful, positive thoughts. Visualize the situations you want to experience, the life you want to live, and the person you want to be. Exercise that control of your mind that you all have. After that, take the actions that you feel led to take. I strongly believe (and know from experience) that you will see very quickly that the circumstances in your life line up according to the thoughts in your mind. They always do anyway no matter how you think. So why not take control and purposely create the life you are looking for. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

God’s Great Gift to All of Us

July 29, 2021

God has given us many great things in this life. It would be impossible to think of all the great things he has done for us. However, as I lay awake in the middle of the night praying and meditating, I was reminded about one of His greatest gifts of all. What could that be? Why of course it’s…the Present!!

Every present is a wonderful gift. OK, please forgive my play on words here, but here are some thoughts I pondered on…

When does God give us all of these great gifts? In the present moment.

When do we have all control of what we think or do in our lives? The present.

When can we stand before God, fully perfect and forgiven? The present.

When in my life are there absolutely no problems and stress in my life? Now, the present.

When can I have anything I desire in life, at least in my imagination? In the present.

When I can I start my clean slate and try again, forgetting what may have happened in the past? In the present.

You may be thinking that you can’t completely forget about the past. After all, some great things have happened too, and even our failures provide some valuable lessons to learn from. I will say that you are totally correct. However, when can we re-live those wonderful memories and reflect on things to learn from? Yes, in the present.

And I haven’t forgotten about the future either. I know we have to plan for the future. But that planning for the future happens….that’s right. In the present. And as I often share here, our future outcomes in life are determined by our predominant thoughts and emotions, when? In the present.

As I often say, it is very refreshing to know that, in this present moment, we have full control of the thoughts and emotions we feel. When we are focused on the present, we don’t have to worry about stressful and difficult situations. Unless they are happening right at that moment, there is no stress in the present moment. Seriously, if something negative is happening now (and unfortunately they sometimes do) you can deal with it…now, in the present. However, if you’re not in the middle of that situation, then it is not happening now! What in this moment is your problem? Most problems we have in our lives are either something lingering from the past or something we are worried about for the future. In almost all cases, there is not a problem now, in this present moment. And if there is, and you deal with it in the present moment awareness, it is much easier to find a solution and resolve it.

I challenge you and myself to maintain this present moment mentality as much as possible today. Let us see this present moment, right now, as the great gift from God that it is. Whenever I live in the present, I feel an unbelievable peace. I want to experience this peace as much as possible, because it is indeed a gift from God. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

Focus on This to Experience Heaven on Earth

March 30, 2021

I’ve been writing on this site for over 8 years now. It’s hard to believe, but I’ve written close to 400 articles. I don’t say this to brag or promote myself. Instead, I share this because it sometimes creates a humorous situation. When people ask me how I decide on what to write about, I provide the same simple answer…whatever is on my heart. Often times, whatever is on my heart is what I feel like God is prompting me to share, usually because I feel like He’s been speaking to me about it.

I’m surprised it didn’t start happening sooner, but during the past year, there were several times where I was given this great idea to write about it. I started writing, and what I was saying seemed awfully familiar. Not because I had read about it somewhere, but as I continued writing, I started to realize…I think I’ve written about this before. I then realized that was true. In fact, in some cases, I was using the exact same title I used for the previous article that was written years ago. I’ve even shared some of these recently.

The same thing happened this morning. I had been prompted to talk about this heaven topic. I was going to use the title “Can We Experience Heaven on Earth?” That was until I realized, I used that exact same title for an article I wrote in November 2018! You can read that article by clicking on the title link above. In that article, I talked about the Bible verse that says that the kingdom of heaven is among us. Not only is it among us or in our midst, but it is a part of our very being. For today’s article I had a bit of a different take in mind. I watched a message from I preacher I enjoy watching named Martin Trench. It was an excellent message that provides a picture of heaven, and also discusses this concept of experiencing heaven on Earth. The best part for me was how he simplified the process of seeking the kingdom of heaven. He shares several attributes of heaven, the most significant being the constant presence of God. He says that the best part of heaven is that you are constantly in God’s presence, and you continually experience that presence there.

This was really an awakening for me. God’s presence is all over heaven. But it’s also all over everywhere and everything on this earth. I realized that, instead of trying to keep in mind this mysterious kingdom that I can never possibly understand during my time on earth, I only need to focus on the presence of God! That’s something I’ve done many times, and I certainly know the power and wonderful feeling it brings!

Here’s a Bible verse that we can tie this to. Matthew 6:33 says to “seek first the kingdom of God and all else will be added to you.” Using the idea above, let’s just change that a bit and say instead to “seek first the presence of God.” I am not trying to twist scripture verses around. I am just finding that these words are synonymous. Understanding God’s presence is much easier than understanding God’s kingdom. It is not difficult to find and experience God’s presence because it is omnipresent. Any time you want to find God’s presence, you will. The difficult part, at least for me, is having the discipline to focus my mind on God’s presence instead of the circumstances or past failures in my life.

What happens when you seek the presence of God? From my experience, I can share several things. First, it brings an incredible peace. Whatever chaos is going on around me all of a sudden seems very insignificant. Second, I feel amazing! This is because instead of thinking thoughts of failure, negativity, and fear, I start thinking thoughts of love, power, and gratitude. As we think these types of thoughts, our overall energy vibration raises to a much a higher level. This then brings positive situations into our lives that match the positive thoughts and feelings. In essence, we begin to live heaven on earth. Our relationships are strengthened. People want to be in our company. We are healthier. We enjoy life more, which also enhances our careers, financial situations, and whatever else we want to accomplish in life. These are the things that are added onto us when we seek first the kingdom and presence of God.

The answer is the same now as it was in 2018, and it’s the same as it will be in 2028, or even 3018. Yes! You can experience heaven on earth. It may not be as beautiful as it is when we leave our bodies behind at death, but you can certainly experience heaven on earth by remaining consistently in the presence of God, and seeking it wherever you go. You don’t have to wait until you die. You can start right now. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

A Highly Effective Way to Remove Fears

July 9, 2020

I read something the other day that said of all things humans fear, only two fears are natural. One is the fear of falling. The other is the sound of a loud, sudden noise. I’m thinking fear of a threat to our life would go hand in hand with that. All other fears are unnatural. I focused on the validity of this statement for a few moments. The more I thought about it, the more I realized its truth. All other fears besides those that I have or you do are created by ourselves. Whether it’s a fear involving insects, people, or circumstances, I realize that any fear I have is not something I was born with and a natural part of my being. The fears were caused by my own thoughts, even if circumstances or other people caused me to think those thoughts.

The bad news is that we humans create many unnatural and unnecessary fears for ourselves. The badder news is that we allow those fears to prevent us from living life at its best, and from allowing God to use us to accomplish His will. The good news is that we are in full control. We are the ones that allowed those fears to build up in our minds, yet we are the ones that could permanently remove them and stop them from holding us back.

Some of you may be thinking that this process is easier said than done. From my own personal experience, I can tell you that is true. As much as I share about the power of the mind and liberating its life-giving powers, I still stubbornly allow fears to remain lodged in my mind more times than I care to admit. However, I have learned over time that I can deal with those fears in a two-step process: 1. acknowledge the fear instead of fighting it. 2. remove the fear and its negative effects.

So if it’s easier said than done to remove the fears, how do you ultimately do it? I’ve learned a very effective process called desensitization. I’ve been using this process since I was a teenager. It’s a complicated word, but an easy concept. To explain the process, I’m going to embarrass myself a bit with a story of how I found this process. As a child, I was never afraid of the dark, the boogeyman, monsters coming out of my closet, or any of those fears that often haunt children. I wasn’t impacted by scary movies at the time either. However, I read a book that scared me like never before. The book was called “The Amityville Horror.” The basic story is that a real-life mass-murder took place in the house. The truth of what happens afterward is disputed, but in the story, a new family moves in and is overtaken by evil spirits in the house. I found this very unnerving. Besides my proximity to Amityville (I grew up living 15 minutes from there), the spiritual concept of it seriously scared me. Now, after never being afraid of anything as a young child, at 14, I was all of a sudden petrified walking into a dark room, and that my room would be infested with evil spirits. I also dreaded waking up at 3:15 am, the time the murder occurred, and all of the bad things in the story happen.

I was embarrassed to be afraid of the dark at 14 years old. I had to do something about it, and I certainly couldn’t let anyone else know I had these childish fears (you reading this may be the first to know 🙂 ) During that summer, I was reading a self-hypnosis book that my father had. It talked about using hypnosis to desensitize ourselves of our fears. What does desensitize mean? It means to imagine yourself doing the things you are afraid of. Consistently see yourself doing those things with nothing negative happening. For my situation, I first hypnotized myself as I often did for other things even at that young age. I then visualized myself going into the dark with nothing bad happening. I reminded myself how I had been in dark rooms countless times before and had never had any reason to fear. I saw myself laying on my bed, alone in my room. Instead of evil spirits haunting me, I focused instead of how God’s presence filled the room. I saw myself waking up at 3:15 with nothing bad happening. I played this over and over in my mind until I actually believed that nothing bad would happen while being in the dark or waking up at that dreaded time. Within a week, I was cured of this fear that I had had for several weeks previous to that.

There have been numerous other fears that I have been able to cure in the same manner. I share this with you and anyone else struggling with unnatural fears. This method to remove fears works effectively. It worked for me and will work for you. The process is easy. The first thing to do is to get into a very relaxed state. Your subconscious mind (where the fear lives and needs to be removed from) is most receptive to new ideas when you are in this deeply relaxed state. I mentioned that I used self-hypnosis. Here is the process I use for self-hypnosis. You can use this or use something I often use called binaural beats. These are brainwave sounds to bring your mind to a theta or hypnotic state. You can find plenty of these on Youtube (here is the one I use) or on various phone apps. Or you can use meditation or whatever way you use most effectively to relax. Then, whatever your fear is, visualize yourself in the middle of it, and while you are there, see that the fear is not even close to being realized. For example, if you are afraid to speak in front of people, see yourself speaking in front of a large crowd. Instead of bad things happening, see the people listening attentively to what you have to say. Hear them applauding you. If you are afraid of traveling on an airplane, see yourself enjoying the comfortable flight and arriving safely at your destination. These are just a few examples. You can use this desensitization method to remove any fear, no matter how big or small it may be.

I read another message recently that says that the way to conquer your fears is to do what you fear. In essence, you are doing that with this process. The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a real or imagined event. It takes this mentally visualized event as real as if it were actually happening. Of course, if you have the opportunity to follow the above advice and actually, physically do what you fear then take that opportunity. This combination of mental visualization and physical action will remove the fear quickly. My story above proves that. Some fears may take a bit longer to disappear, especially if they deeply embedded in the subconscious. However, if you stick with this process, they will gradually be removed.

You don’t have to live with unnatural, unnecessary fear. Use this simple method to remove those fears. Then see how free you are to live out your dreams and accomplish God’s will for your life. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

Simple Ways to Discover Who You Really Are

May 6, 2020

For some reason, I’ve had lots of trouble sleeping at night. We are in the middle of a pandemic, but I am experiencing far less stress than during normal times. It could be because my sleep schedule is thrown off. It could be because the weather here in Buffalo is so cold and lousy that I am not exercising outside as much as I would like, or maybe because I am eating a bit more than normal. Whatever the reason is, it could be very frustrating to lay awake at night, sometimes for hours, without being able to sleep.

Since these times are becoming more frequent, I decided to turn it into a positive. Those times in the still and quiet of the night have resulted in some deep and intense conversations with God. I have also used self-hypnosis to work on the depths of my own subconscious minds. In the past month, I have really grown spiritually because of these conversations and reflections.

It was during this time last night that I felt God really speaking. What He told me was something I already knew, and I have written about it in this space before. It’s what Mufasa told Simba in the Lion King… “Remember who you are.” In the movie, Mufasa reminds his son, as he is squandering his life in the wilderness, that He is the one true king to rule the kingdom. He has all the power he needs to do that, he just needs to take possession of it and take the necessary action that will result in the will for his life to be accomplished. I felt God sharing a similar message to me last night. He reminded me that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. This being that thinks, feels, moves, and acts is actually the very spirit of God in action. I have everything I need. I need to focus on that energy within me and utilize it as I take the necessary steps for God’s will to be accomplished in my life. If I was having problems sleeping before that, it was even more difficult afterward! But I was ok with that. I was emotionally charged and felt like I could conquer the world at that moment.

The question you may be asking now is how to tap into that realization. How can you focus and maintain the realization of who you really are? Here are some ways that help me:

  • Meditation – Many people have different interpretations of this practice. Mine is to simply clear the mind. I focus on things like my breathing and the sounds around me. Even spending a few minutes in this peace and quiet with a clear mind can do wonders, and open you up to hear from God.
  • Remain in the present moment – The present moment is the only one where you have absolutely full control. You can’t go back and live past moments (if you do mentally you’re doing it in the present), and you can’t jump ahead to live in the future. The one moment you can use to take control is this one. When you are quiet in the mind and fully present, it enhances your spiritual connection with your Creator. In the present moment, there is no room for fear and doubt. Are your worries coming to pass right now? Are you failing at this moment? No you are not, so focus on what you can do now and your fears will most likely not come close to being realized. Once again, having a clear mind and remaining in the present keeps you wide open to hear from God and enable Him to remind you about who you are and the great power you have access to.
  • Prayer – Prayer goes hand in hand with meditation, except instead of staying quiet, you are actually engaged in conversation with God. Sometimes you are talking, and sometimes you are listening. I guarantee this though… if you ask God to show you who you really are, He will!

These are some methods you can use to focus on and realize who you really are. For more information about this, I recommend you check out my free e-book, The Ease and Keys of Rapid Manifestation. This is one of the key steps to the rapid manifestation of your goals that I discuss in the book. When I go through my day with this realization, I feel invincible. I feel like I have the answers to all of my questions, and I feel like I have absolutely nothing to fear.

I recommend you using these methods to focus on and know who you really are. It will totally empower you, and among other things, it will bring you great peace that will help you sleep wonderfully. Enjoy the blessings 🙂

Your Ultimate Guide to Manifesting Your Dream Life

April 1, 2020

I found this excellent step-by-step guide for the manifestation of your goals…

How To Be Fruitful and Make a Difference

March 30, 2020

As we go through this difficult time with Coronavirus and so many other things on our minds, there are many people going out of their way to make a positive difference for the people around them. I am eternally thankfully for these individuals. Many others have the same desire to make a difference in their world too. However, some may be wondering how you can do so.

As I was doing my Bible devotion this morning, I came upon this verse which inspired me to share this with you. For those looking to make a positive difference, I think this will certainly help: “In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.” This is taken from 2 Peter 1:5-7. Please allow me to break it down quickly for you…

Faith – Start with an excellent foundation of faith in God and His promises in your life. Be confident that His power can make a difference in your life and those of the people around you.

Moral Excellence – when you demonstrate integrity, respectability, honesty, and strength in character, you stand out in your world. People will definitely notice.

Knowledge – Where can you gain great knowledge? The Bible is an excellent starting point for increasing knowledge of how you can make a difference, or for any life topic. The internet is loaded with valuable resources on how you can enable yourself and others to grow. Use whichever is best for you, and feed your mind with positive information.

Self-control – Mainly self-explanatory on what this means, but your ability to remain disciplined with your mind and emotions, especially in difficult situations, is another thing that stands out and allows your light to shine in the darkness.

Endurance – The ability to press on in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Godliness – Reflecting the same character traits of God. This can also mean remaining devoted to God and His cause.

Brotherly Affection – We’ve seen plenty of examples already of how people are going out their way to help their “brothers and sisters” in society. Your willingness to help in any way you can easily allow you to make a difference in your world.

I believe these verses make it very clear that, if you consistently demonstrate these attitudes character traits, you can make a difference in your world. This point is confirmed in the next verse…. “The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” As we Christians grow in Christ, we develop the above characteristics. And as those characteristics manifest in our personality and we make them a part of our very being, we become more fruitful and make a greater difference in our world.

Are you looking to make greater impacts around you? I believe God is showing us how with these words. The challenge now is to focus on demonstrating these attitudes consistently, then look for ways you can make a difference. If you pray for God’s help in all of this, He will certainly help you. You can and will make a difference, and I believe this can happen almost immediately. Enjoy the blessings 🙂