Avoid Circumstantial Evidence

Why is it many people don’t achieve their goals in life? There are several reasons. One big one is that they pay too much attention to circumstantial evidence. For example, the evidence shows that they still don’t have what they want, so they dwell on that fact.

What happens when you dwell on the fact that the achievement of your goal still hasn’t arrived? Unfortunately, it brings more of the same. You receive in life what you focus on. If you focus on lack and that you don’t have what you are looking for, you will continue not having it.

You may be saying, “how can I argue with the evidence”? The truth is you can’t. However, I will tell you there is more evidence to go by. I will provide the crash course version here. You are a spiritual being, surrounded by the spirit of God. This spirit makes up your being, and it is connected to everything else in this universe. In essence, you already have everything you can ever want. It lies in this spiritual realm that you and everyone else is a part of.

The key then, is to focus on THIS evidence. Even though you cannot see it in the physical, your desire exists in the spiritual realm. Once you grab hold of this and believe it, you will maintain your focus on the end result and soon see it occur in the physical world. Remember, whatever you consistently focus your thoughts on is what you eventually experience in your life.

Keep in mind that it may not happen right away. Sometimes there are reasons where God wants us to wait. Don’t become discouraged if this happens. If you maintain a faithful mindset, and know you will eventually see it, you will. Also, there are times when receiving what you want is not the right thing. Do not fret. You will only receive something better if this is the case.

I remind you again to avoid relying on circumstances to get you closer to your goal or make you happy. You can always be happy and confident if you focus on the spiritual evidence that tells you that what you want already exists and that it is already a part of you. It is simply up to you to believe it and keep your mind focused on these positive thoughts.

How do I know this is all true? I have seen overwhelming evidence in my own life. Enjoy the blessings : )

3 Responses to Avoid Circumstantial Evidence

  1. DougDoesLife says:

    Good post. It’s difficult to change thought patterns at first, when faced with situations one doesn’t want. I truly believe that thoughts shape our reality though, and practice positive thinking and visualization every day… Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Nadyess says:

    Thanks for reminding Joe! Have a beautiful and blessed day.

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